Cyber Security Workshop
  • Explore the forefront of cyber security at Cambodia's largest workshop, where industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts converge to delve into the latest trends, techniques, and innovations.

Audience Who Should Attend

  • Without stopping for a moment we give you the best cybersecurity experience discussing our expertise to stop threats from being theft or damaged and also to learn more about cyber security.

IT Professionals

IT professionals are experts in Information Technology, handling the management, implementation, and maintenance of computer systems and networks.

Network Administrators

Network administrators manage and maintain computer networks, ensuring optimal functionality and security in organizations.

Software Developers

Software developers craft and maintain computer programs to meet user needs and business requirements.

System Analysts

System Analysts analyze, design, and enhance computer systems to meet organizational needs and boost efficiency.

IT Industry

IT Industry professionals create, manage, and maintain tech systems to address diverse business and technological requirements.


Our Affiliated Cyber Security Partners